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NIStune 0.912 Beta version available

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 12:10 am
by Matt
I've been working on this latest version over the last week whilst I've been stuck away in the middle of nowhere...

Here is the current updated bug/enhancement list which I've been attacking
10502 O2 sensor not showing / O2 feedback not working
10051 Implement autotune
10500 Consult split view not same values as log viewer
10450 Auto tune for timing using external sensor
10554 CA18 switches not logging to log file (standard and knock)
10501 Closing consult log viewer before split causes problems with windows
10502 Mulitple AFR trace window trace available
10362 Add knock flags indication in log player on playback
10349 single keystroke for setting a line or lines into a logfile to denote an area of interest
10503 Logging SPACE start/stop (continous log)
10421 CA18 etc consult data rate increase (current 5 x sec)
10506 Consult split log view not displaying what is selected
10507 Speed trial window
10509 O2 feedback temp constant stuck to FF
10510 Timing adv vs temp maptrace not working
different location for this one

I have only been testing this with simulated consult/wideband inputs on the laptop... since I haven't had bench facilities

Hence the autotune and auto timing pullback feature (in knock window) have only been tested using simulated data. They will adjust a block of four cells based on AFR read being higher/lower than current AFR once TPS indicates throttle active

I havent had the opportunity yet to try this on the car. So watch very carefully how your fuel/timing maps get adjusted if you decide to try this out and let me know how well it works

I've just found heard steam from a burst coolant hose somewhere tonight so will be busy finding/fixing that tomorrow to get time to test this out with the autotune stuff but keen to see it working

The knocklite stuff can be tested with the knock warning window using external device and trigger point.

Also I haven't had a chance to try the time trial thing out yet but looks good running with the simulator. Hopefully it is some use to someone