New to Nistune, just trying to get my bearings together.

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New to Nistune, just trying to get my bearings together.

Post by Delox »

Hey everyone, I just purchased Nistune for my 91 300zx TT. I've completed alot of mechanical work on my car, but have yet to step into the tuning world. Here are some basic specs of my car

Rebuilt engine about 2k miles back
87.5mm wiseco pistons
Single intake
740cc injectors
Full exhaust, catless
gt28rs turbos
and basic supporting mods along with less important items.

Now, I have been reading up on things, but just want to figure out my first few steps before I make any mistakes.

Currently my ECU is already socketed, so my soldering will be limited to the 4 wire plug. Installation should be no problem.

I currently have the most recent beta of nistune installed on my computer. I was given the address file by matt and have been reading about the rom files.

The first thing I plan to do is download the stock rom file from the ECU to my computer for backup purposes as is recommended. I have just downloaded the most recent ROM pack from the downloads section, but have not taken a look at it.

My basic questions are:

1) What is the address file? Basically a directory so the ecu can communicate with the computer/nistune program?

2) When I download the stock rom file from my computer and make the necessary changes to run my mods (injectors, etc...) will it have the fuel maps to handle my boost levels (14psi set by wastegates, I do not currently have a boost controller)

3) What are the ROM packs? just well modified ROM's by Matt which are better to use than the stock ROM for a modified vehicle?

thanks for any input!

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Post by iaredam »

I'll try to help you out...

The Address File is a text file with memory locations for the Nistune software that tells it where the maps are in the ECU's memory.

The stock rom file will have all the maps that are listed in the Address file. If you add more information to the address file, when you sync the laptop to the ECU it will download those maps.

ROM packs are just a collection of different ECU ROM files. Matt has collected quite a few and distributes them for us so we don't necessarily have to download the stock ROM file from the ECU.

I'm sure Matt will correct any wrong information I'm giving you, I'm basically a noob to this stuff as well.
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Post by Matt »

When you get the software registration, we should also attach to that email the address file for the board you are receiving in the mail

double check the email and see if the address file is attached, if so then you can save that to a folder and open that file with the Nistune software

If you didnt get it, email me and I can send it to you, or you can download the ROM image pack and grab it from there after you have installed it

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Post by Delox »

I did receive the address file, and I opened that with nistune, thats all set.

I then downloaded the rompack to explore it. I loaded up a rom file which looked applicable for my vehicle (Z32_VG30DETT_37P01_1991_1993_MT_EDM.bin) and looked at some of the items within it.

I haven't run into any problems yet, just trying to get the lingo and see what I'm going to have to do when I receive the board.

thanks for the help, I will get back to you with any questions
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