DLP A/D Converter Connection Issue

Anything related to the DLP Devices IO-8 A/D converter

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Re: DLP A/D Converter Connection Issue

Post by Matt »

I'm thinking the A/D lookup CSV file used for UEGO is off hence the incorrect readings

If you can map voltage against AFRs accurately using the gauge display, then edit the CSV file used for wideband lookup (via DLP) and that would fix the display values

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Re: DLP A/D Converter Connection Issue

Post by CoL »

Yesterday i edited the CSV file used for wideband lookup. First i disconnected the senor and took a voltage measurement of the default value 14.7
Then i used the formula y=mx+b to find my (x,y,) intercept and plot my new calibration curve. I entered my new values into the CSV file (which were pretty close to the original values) and tested it again. The reading on my computer was still off by 2 or so. I'm not sure why, but my computer would display values up to 23. In the CSV file, my value at 5V is 20, so how can it read past that? Is it possibly that the output signal from the gauge is going past 5V? This is somthing i will have to check.
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Re: DLP A/D Converter Connection Issue

Post by Matt »

another thing you can check is set the CSV file to volts

1 = 1000 millivolts
5 = 5000 millivolts

when check the DLP is reporting the same volts as you measure on the line. It will take some unknowns out of this

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Re: DLP A/D Converter Connection Issue

Post by immy21 »

Hi all, I have read then read some more and im am still finding this logging malarkey very confusing :?
I have got these:
http://apple.clickandbuild.com/cnb/shop ... =DLP-IO8-G
AEM UEGO wideband
phormula KS4

1st things first, how to wire them up, as you can see in the pic on one side it says 5v 1 2 3 4, on the otherside it says 5 6 7 8 GND,
So, I assume I have to use the volt wires from the ks4 and uego, do I only connect the volt wires or do I connect a wire from the opposing side on the block and attach that wire to a good earth point? in other words Uego to 1 ks4 to 2, earth 7 and 8?
Help a noob please!

Iv just realised that 5v and GND have there own screw connector block things hence the 10 wire entry points not 8. Does that mean I can use the serial wires on them insted? Going by this thread they would be more accurate
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Re: DLP A/D Converter Connection Issue

Post by Matt »

UEGO has serial output wires which can be connected to a DB9 plug and directly plugged into laptop (via USB serial converter)

Other option is take the 5V output wire and GND wire from UEGO and wire to pin 1 (input) and GND on the DLP converter

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Re: DLP A/D Converter Connection Issue

Post by guricha »

Guys, I have problem with IO8, actually i get tired of it :) after connecting to the laptop (Panasonic CF-48) devise is't recognized i dont know why, am thinking maybe its damaged already ? got brand new but everything happens, maybe need to install different OS ? am using windows xp sp3, please help, also which exactly driver i need to install for it?
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Re: DLP A/D Converter Connection Issue

Post by Matt »

FTDI driver location as per my email

Does it show up as 'unrecognised device' in Device Manager - which means there is something wrong with the DLP converter

Or does it show up as USB serial port with (!) against it which means drivers arent installed properly?

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Re: DLP A/D Converter Connection Issue

Post by guricha »

Matt wrote:FTDI driver location as per my email

Does it show up as 'unrecognised device' in Device Manager - which means there is something wrong with the DLP converter

Or does it show up as USB serial port with (!) against it which means drivers arent installed properly?
Yes Matt its unrecognized device and i think its damaged and have to order another one :(
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