innovate stopped working

Anything related to the Innovate brand of wideband devices.

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innovate stopped working

Post by Richard »

So my innovate and nistune has been working ok

then one night i had plugged in the innovate cable incorrectly into the gauge. the 4 pin male to female plug on the gauge.

i did this in the dark (my own fault) and started nistune up and that worked fine, but now when i went to connect to the wideband nothing happened, after checking the cable i found it was connected incorrectly. so now i un plugged and connected it right but still now wideband wont connect and display in nistune.

i had uninstalled everything including the USB driver for the wideband , then reinstalled as per order, logworks, nistune rom pack, nistune, wideband cable driver

unfortunately it still now wont work, nistune works as normal but wideband wont connect. gets error wideband connection fail.

Could it be the connect cable that is now faulty or damage because i had plugged it in correctly? thats the only thing i can think of because everything else is working and looks to be normal as previous when it all was working.
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Re: innovate stopped working

Post by Matt »

Possibly. Try logworks firstly and connect to that. If that does not work then you will have to contact Innovate support
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