Where did the Afr go?

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Where did the Afr go?

Post by Mobsters »

Where did the Afr option go from fuel table? i updated to never beta version of nistune and its gone . Reinstalled nistune and still missing.
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Re: Where did the Afr go?

Post by Matt »

Its only available in Expert Mode (File > Configuration)

I've removed it because I keep having to do customer support explaining that you do not set your AFRs here and expect the same on the wideband. There are cases where if you get your K constant perfect and sometimes manipulate the VQ map you can get your vehicle to match these estimated AFRs

Its been removed completely from NEO ECUs since ECUs with the VE maps have different numbers for fuel calcs

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Re: Where did the Afr go?

Post by Mobsters »

I don't seem to find it even in expert mode, only mode that shows extra when expert mode is "hex values"

Is it removed from all sr20 maps that has VE maps? VE=Volumetric Efficiency?
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Re: Where did the Afr go?

Post by Matt »

yes that would be correct

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Re: Where did the Afr go?

Post by NeWT »

Hi, Matt. I have Neo 25DET. It is very sad that you took afrs away. Cause I've just started to understand the principles :) I've made my K Const to achive exact real AFR according to table afr at 4 cells at idle with 0/0 FTS/FTL. As you wrote, VE tables will work just when TPS > AlphaN? This is some kind of "Accelerating Pump" as on carburators as I understand. So when TPS < AlphaN Table, real AFR must exactly match Table AFR, as I understand. So, maybe you'll bring back AFRs in tables for NEO? :(
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Re: Where did the Afr go?

Post by Matt »

I'm adding it back in for Expert and Intermediate user levels. Anyone starting on Beginner will not see it (or hopefully try and think that their wideband should match these AFRs without understanding how it works)

You are doing it right by getting your FTS/FTL to reach towards zero

From looking more deeply at the code, the VE tables always appears to be used (irrespective of the TPS/AlphaN table). Now that I have the TPS tracing spot on this helped with the investigation.

The TPS/AlphaN table is used as an accelerator pump as you mentioned. On earlier (non VE table) ECUs it is only used on naturally aspirated models. On turbo models the feedback flag switches this off, and the table is set to maximum (255)

On turbo and non-turbo VE enabled ECUs it is used. Once it goes above the TPS voltage for the given RPM the last column of the map will be used from version 1.2.20 the column will be highlighted pink to indicate to the tuner this cell is being accessed (and the Alpha/N table highlights in red)

Some documentation updates are required but I will do that once I put these test releases into the next table version. I still have a long list of things to get through before that happens

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Re: Where did the Afr go?

Post by NeWT »

Ok, thanks. Will wait for documentation updates since my car is not ready yet for final dinos =)
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Re: Where did the Afr go?

Post by Matt »

I've updated the software documentation recently for the application. NEO specific mapping information is in a new document on the website under General Documentation

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Re: Where did the Afr go?

Post by maniades »

I'm having an issue with AFR view in fuel maps. As I can see, if I select no option in the filtering combo, I can see AFR calculated values... but as soon as I select something in the combobox below, AFR values dissapear, and never come back.

I know those AFR values might not be the same I will get in my Wideband AFR unit, but it could be nice to be able to select them. If I select Intermediate User mode, I can see that option in the combo... but for now, I'm more confident by using begginer mode.

Anyway, the default (first time you install nistune, and set begginer mode) view for Fuel Map is AFR estimates (although combobox is empty). Perhaps the default in begginer mode should be the filtered raw view, as you will not be able anytime later to select AFR estimates anymore.
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Re: Where did the Afr go?

Post by Matt »

The default should be 'raw mode' . I'll check it out. Raised issue:

Expert mode just displays more maps than other mode (and extra options for viewing fuel and timing values)

What do you mean 'I select no option in the filtering combo'

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Re: Where did the Afr go?

Post by maniades »

What I mean is that I select no option in the combo, and leave it in its default value, that for a just installed version of nistune, in Begginer mode, is a blank.

You can see an screenshot of what I mean in the attached file.
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Re: Where did the Afr go?

Post by Matt »

Okay thanks. Since the default value appears to be 'Estimate AFR' but it is not available in the list that is why it is showing up blank.

I'll make a fix in the problem report raised to changed the default value to 'filtered values'
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Re: Where did the Afr go?

Post by Matt »

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