New to Nistune, hoping for some help

Nistune topics related specifically to the 6303 cpu

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New to Nistune, hoping for some help

Post by AZZ32 »

Hello everyone, I recently purchased nistune and have been reading all the manuals and any other technical information I could find. However, I still cannot seem to get my tune correct. I have a 300zx twin turbo with rebuilt turbos, deleted EGR, IAV, heated throttle body bypass, 550cc injectors, completely stock beyond those things. I have two main problems:
1. There is a "dead spot" at about 1600RPM. Wideband goes max lean and the car stumbles and bucks around there. Had a Z1 chip before I got Nistune and it did not have this problem. I am using Manual Transmission FP stock ROM image as the base
2. The mixtures behave oddly and are incorrect. Today I disabled the o2 and set the low load area of the map to 0 and tuned it so the AF were around 14.7 in the 1000-3000rpm band. Mixtures were close on the test drive. Reenabled o2 sensing and the mixtures are way off from max rich at low load cruise as well as not seeming to enter open loop and go richer on boost.

I was wondering a few things. If those with similar setups would share what their TIM and latency values were or if someone would be willing to look at my .bin and see if there is anything wrong there, or if anyone has any other information or tips to share? Any help is much appreciated.
FP Tune 2.bin
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Re: New to Nistune, hoping for some help

Post by Matt »

Latency seems quite high. About 800uS should be the setting. Looked at the tune and seems fine otherwise. What about a log file showing the issue (with AFRs included in the log?)

What if you remove the board (carefully lift from side to avoid breaking pins) and put the Z1 chip back in. Then connect with Nistune and download that tune and save it to disk

Afterwards put in the Nistune board, and then load the Z1 tune into Nistune (it will import to feature pack) and then upload. Try that out. Should run the same as the chip

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Re: New to Nistune, hoping for some help

Post by AZZ32 »

Thanks for the reply Matt.
I believe the issue is not in the tune. As I have learned more and tuned on it I believe I have gotten the tune fairly close. I will try your suggestions for the tune. As far as the stumble I think it is a hardware issue. My theory is an incorrectly adjusted throttle position sensor.
Thanks again
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