AEM Digital Wideband UEGO Gauge with DLP-IO8

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AEM Digital Wideband UEGO Gauge with DLP-IO8

Post by louiswun »

Problems :
Using AEM default analog output voltage vs AFR chart data, on DLP-IO8 to nistune, the AFR on nistune is around 0.5 point off to the gauge display.
I have tried set up a new CSV to match the display, it only works for a while, turn off the car and restart later, my new CSV to nistune is 3 point of AFR off to the gauge.
Is there any other way to import the real AFR to nistune ?
Or would nistune support the AEM serial output to display/log/trace the AFR ?
Is there any instruction ?
Thanks !

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Re: AEM Digital Wideband UEGO Gauge with DLP-IO8

Post by louiswun »

I have just read the NIStune Software Users Manual V2.0
I can use the serial output from the UEGO gauge and no look up files (CSV) need.
Will this serial output display real AFR in nistune ?
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Re: AEM Digital Wideband UEGO Gauge with DLP-IO8

Post by Matt »

Yes of course the serial will display the real AFR. You could compare that against the 0-5V DLP AFR display if you wanted

If there is a difference in displayed AFR (which seems to fluctuate on your setup) then there is likely a drop in voltage perhaps due to wiring or grounding, or other inputs in the DLP not grounded which is affecting first channel of your DLP

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Re: AEM Digital Wideband UEGO Gauge with DLP-IO8

Post by louiswun »

The DLP setup is grounded to AEM power source ground, all channel in nistune is more stable, but the AFR still 0.5 point off, I can set up a CSV to match it.
I also set up the aem serial output to my notebook, but I can't get it work.
Is here any instruction how to configure nistune to accept the serial output ?

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Re: AEM Digital Wideband UEGO Gauge with DLP-IO8

Post by louiswun »

Set up complete, wideband settings seleceted "AEM UEGO Boost", AFR display ok !
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Re: AEM Digital Wideband UEGO Gauge with DLP-IO8

Post by Matt »

But the DLP AFR is 0.5 from that AEM Serial output shows?

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Re: AEM Digital Wideband UEGO Gauge with DLP-IO8

Post by louiswun »

Yes , if using AEM UEGO default P00 or P01 Voltage/AFR output table.
The table is from AEM installation instruction pdf.
The DLP to nistune will slightly off.
eg . AEM default 2.000V = AFR14
but I need to shift to next voltage 2.125V in order do display AFR14, still 0.1 point off the gauge.
PS. I haven't measure the actual voltage from the analogue output wire.
but I have verify the voltage output in nistune by create a CSV file like this
once the AFR display in voltage, compare to the AEM table, found that it is off.

The serial output to nistune is more stable and accurate.
AEM default.jpg
(223.12 KiB) Downloaded 2084 times
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Re: AEM Digital Wideband UEGO Gauge with DLP-IO8

Post by Matt »

i found the LC-1 (-0-5V) DLP output and the MTS (serial) output to be pretty close. There must be a voltage drop. Perhaps pull ups or something else required. All unused outputs should be grounded to avoid fluctuations in data from the DLP

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Re: AEM Digital Wideband UEGO Gauge with DLP-IO8

Post by louiswun »

I did ground all unused channels .
I found that the AEM UEGO serial output is not very reliable , the AFR display is correct but window always frozen , it frozen up per every few pull, need to click disconnect wideband botton few times to get it reconnect .
On the other hand, the AEM wideband fail safe + com port emulator is much more reliable , it works excellent thru the whole tuning section, no drop out .

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Re: AEM Digital Wideband UEGO Gauge with DLP-IO8

Post by stuffcc »

Happens to me also, display freezes with my UEGO.
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Re: AEM Digital Wideband UEGO Gauge with DLP-IO8

Post by Matt »

First I've heard of this issue

1. Does this happen since a particular version?
Note: No substatntial changes done since 27 Dec 2017 (Rev 6547, AEM dodgy frame fix) apart from the wideband configuration for aux ports, which does not affect AEM (since it is AFR only)

2. Can you enable debug logging, and only do a debug log with consult disconnected (otherwise it floods my log with consult stuff) and then email or post the log file when it freezes up. I can then look at the log data and see what is going on. If it's freezing up (does the display just not update, or the application freeze?) then I can look at the log for ideas what is going on

Does it freeze up when running the car, or even at idle or with ignition key on only?
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Re: AEM Digital Wideband UEGO Gauge with DLP-IO8

Post by Matt »

Also what USB-serial converter? Some cheap dodgy ones will cause problems for PCs. Only use reliable FTDI chipset or eqivalent converters. Some converters are just bad and will cause all sorts of communication errors, or get easily affected by noise. You may also see this when running a terminal emulation problem.

What is the frequency of the freezeups (time between freeze?)

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Re: AEM Digital Wideband UEGO Gauge with DLP-IO8

Post by louiswun »

Matt wrote:First I've heard of this issue

1. Does this happen since a particular version?

2. Can you enable debug logging

3. Does it freeze up when running the car, or even at idle or with ignition key on only?

What is the frequency of the freezeups (time between freeze?)
I do not know, since this is the first time for me to link AEM UEGO into Nistune.

The car was back to my customer, I no longer be able to do the log, I'll leave this for someone to do it.

It freeze up both runing and idling, did not try key on with engine off.

I think the problem is not on my USB cable, it works fine with innovate MTX-L and innovate SCG-1
All using the same cable.

It freeze up randomly, usually every few minutes per freeze. Sometimes when clicking wideband botton, there is numbers diaplay on the right hand side (pressure display location) of the wideband window, but no AFR showing.
The AFR freeze up just after clicking wideband button, it show the freezed AFR while the moment I click, no further AFR update compare to the gauge.
Repeat clicking wideband button few time (connect and disconnect) 3 to 4 times, it works again.

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Re: AEM Digital Wideband UEGO Gauge with DLP-IO8

Post by stuffcc »

Exact same for me, I'll try to do a log.
I have this issue for a long time, I thought of a bad USB connection with my PC (very old at the time), but I have a newer one now and I would say it is worse. I'm using the FTDI cable, bought on the nistune website.
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Re: AEM Digital Wideband UEGO Gauge with DLP-IO8

Post by Matt »

Okay please clarify, when you say freeze, does the software not respond, or is just the display not updating (freeze of numbers?)

If it works sometimes, but not others, it may be the case it is not getting the 'stream' of data properly. I'll try and repeat this week with my simulation
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