Connection Issues

Anything related to the AEM brand of wideband devices.

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Connection Issues

Post by Jake »

Like some other posters I am having odd connection issues. Sometimes when I connect to the wideband Nistune connects right away and behaves as expected for as long as I like. If it connects it never drops out.

Sometimes when I connect to the wideband it will take the first reading and be stuck there. I have to disconnect and reconnect until it starts reading normally. Sometimes it will display the data in the boost window for some reason. I logged the data in a serial terminal and the data seems to come in fine, matching the gauge.

I made a nistune log that I have attached. In it i attempt to connect to the wideband a few times while the engine is running. I also have a much longer log from after this when it did connect so I datalogged my drive home. The file is too large but I can email it if you like.
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Re: Connection Issues

Post by Matt »

Thanks for the log. I'll look into it and see what is going on.
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