From the website and a bit of investigation, the 1993 HCR32 GTS-T Skyline should have consult port and common places is on the driver side. Had a good today trying to locate it under the dash, no sign of it... and then taken off the kickpanel as well to search for the grey plug but still no sign of it.... During the process I have taken a few pictures of the factory ECU, wondering if anyone would know ?
Thanks for the reply, I just found it but i was raging... been looking for it all day trying to get it..... reaching my hand into almost unreachable places.... but guess what it ended up it was mounted on top of the fuse box at all time... found it at night with a torch in hand and panel out... maybe I work better at night time LOL... Looks like I am almost ready to order some nistune gear for some serious fun