Hey Guys,
OK, this is totally off topic but I thought somebody here might know.
Does anybody know what the signals that go from the ECU to the auto trans actually do? They're normally labelled "DT1, DT2, DT3".
Pete L
OT - Nissan Auto trans control signals
Moderator: Matt
A few years ago i made up an interface so i could run my then r33 with a motec m48. With the interface i had to bridge a few pins together for the auto. From memory it was for the speed signal and the TPS. I'm pretty sure i got away with just the 2 with no difference to the way the auto worked.
A few years ago i made up an interface so i could run my then r33 with a motec m48. With the interface i had to bridge a few pins together for the auto. From memory it was for the speed signal and the TPS. I'm pretty sure i got away with just the 2 with no difference to the way the auto worked.