I am opening this post to prevent digress on this subject:
So the question is:kenbam wrote:Do a search for the DLP A/D converter. I think its reasonably priced and im sure it can do what you want.
WAIT, did it for you
DLP Design A/D Converter
Read upto one AFR input and 6 configurable A/D inputs from the DLP A/D converter. Plug in any wideband device with 0-5 volt output and watch and log it in NIStune.
How NIStune gets contact with the DLP-IO8-Board and data from this solution?
I read the manual ( http://www.dlpdesign.com/usb/dlp-io8-ds-v15.pdf ) and it should be not hard to implement this in NIStune.
But is it already possible to contact the DLP-IO8 from NIStune?
How I can connect e.g. the AVC-R Map sensor to the DLP-IO8? Must I tee the signal from inside the AVC-R to the DLP-IO8 or can I connect the Map sensor directly to the DLP-IO8?
How NIStune distinguishes the 8 different inputs from the DLP-IO8?
I think about reading/logging the following values:
- Boost (with AVC-R sensor or AVC-R itself)
- EGT (52mm Greddy Gauge)
- Wideband-Lambda (AEM UEGO Wideband (no problem since the AEM UEGO has already a 0-5 V output)
- and the intake temperatur with a DS18B20 module (Datasheet: http://datasheets.maxim-ic.com/en/ds/DS18B20.pdf
I have already a solution to read the intake temperatur but with the DLP-IO8 it is useful to put the intake temp. informations to this solution as it will be logable (I hope...).
Can anyone help me to solve the problems? If this works we all have an open solution for monitoring external data signals in NIStune itself in one logfile!

I have searched the "Innovate LM-2" which is used by @UNISA JECS to connect the AVC-R map sensor but this is much to expensive to "only" connect a external sensor to NIStune:
LM-2 Lambdacontroller & Datenlogger mit OBD-II
469,00 €

EDIT: I am sorry but I think this topic should be in the section "Hardware Enhancements". Are an admin is able to place this thread to "Hardware Enhancements"?