I cant Connect my Wideband to my Laptop? AEM UEGO

Anything related to the AEM brand of wideband devices.

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Post by Matt »

Still here!

I need the information from the steps you performed

So you are using a COM port in the back of your PC? Is it COM1 in device manager?

Okay, did you try connecting pin2-3 together on the serial port? You can do this by getting a DB9 connector from an electronics shop which plugs into your PC. You can the solder pins 2-3 together and plug this in

Does teraterm let you connect to say, COM1 of your PC?

If you press keys in tera term, does it 'feedback'?

If so you have a working COM port connecting to teraterm ...

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Post by DALAZ_68 »

so i know this issue is old...

but im still having trouble

my laptop is Vista home premium
and the i have the UEGO Wide band gauge...

my computer recognizes the gauge, but obviously since hyperterminal is gone, i dunno how to work this...

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Post by Matt »

Please try and use TeraTerm instead. We use this at work, and is a good replacement for Hyperterm.

Look through the previous page with the screenshots of TeraTerm since I've found that I've covered this previously

The next thing is I've included the UEGO instructions to this post. The settings for the program were in the 'Serial output' section

Connect the Blue serious output wire, and Black ground wire to connect to the RS232 port

Now you need to plug that into your PC either directly (if it has a serial port) or using a USB-serial converter

If you have a USB-serial converter, it will ask you for drivers in a two step install. The first part will install the device under Device Manager - USB Devices and the second part will install a COM port under Device Manager - COM and LPT ports

If it asks for drivers, you should have a driver disk for the USB-serial converter and insert the disk/CDROM when prompted and click to find the driver folder on the disk

Take note in Device Manager of the COM port number when you plug in the USB-Serial converter. You will need this for the port to configure in Teraterm

Once teraterm shows wideband output when the UEGO is powered on then you can then try it with Nistune, selecting UEGO as the device and the COM port assigned to your USB-serial converter or imbuilt COM port

Check all my posts in this thread as I've covered everything now in regards to USB-Serial converters, terminal program, COM ports and then using Nistune with the device

If you cant get output from the terminal program, then there is no way Nistune will work either.
UEGO instructions
(517.3 KiB) Downloaded 507 times

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Post by MichaS14a »

Thank you very much for the informations about the terminal replacement! :D
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Post by DALAZ_68 »

what if the USB converter didnt come wiht any install software, it was just a converter wire...?

times like these i wish i knew computer lingo... :(

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Post by MichaS14a »

I hope I understand your question correctly. :?
If you have a serial-to-USB-Converter you need the appropiate drivers for this. Look at the Adapter itself. Can you read the manufacturer and the product number? If it is so try to google at this and I am sure you find the homepage of the manufacturer so you can download the correct drivers for the converter.
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Post by DALAZ_68 »

MichaS14a wrote:I hope I understand your question correctly. :?
If you have a serial-to-USB-Converter you need the appropiate drivers for this. Look at the Adapter itself. Can you read the manufacturer and the product number? If it is so try to google at this and I am sure you find the homepage of the manufacturer so you can download the correct drivers for the converter.
thank you...like i said...im crap when it comes to these things...i just wanna make sure everything works right when my Tuner comes to get my car running smoothly...

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Post by MichaS14a »

Here are the driver download page from FTDI (a real big manufactor of usb-to-serial solutions): http://www.ftdichip.com/FTDrivers.htm

Here are the Installation Guides for FTDI converters: http://www.ftdichip.com/Documents/InstallGuides.htm

The process of the driver installation is quite the same at all vendors of serial-to-usb converters so you can look e.g. in the manual for Windows XP to get an idea how the installation works: http://www.ftdichip.com/Documents/AppNo ... 00093).pdf (copy the whole link to your web browser, don't just click on it)

I hope that this gives you a good starting point to solve your installation problems.
If you are not sure from which manufacturer your adapter is try to make a closeup picture from it and I will see if I can recognize the converter type.
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Post by DALAZ_68 »

ok so here is what i did
i clicked http://hp.vector.co.jp/authors/VA002416/teraterm.html

i click Pocket Tera Term version 0.0 for Windows CE 1.01 (Aug. 9, 1999)
which promps me to another page
http://hp.vector.co.jp/authors/VA002416 ... rm_ce.html

in which i click the
Download (ttermc00.zip; 273,259 bytes)

which downloads the zip folder

when i open the folder it contains
(Folder) english

and i open the readme file and for installation it reads

In the directory, you should find the following two files:
teraterm.exe Pocket Tera Term executable file
ttras.exe Dial utility for the Dial-up network (TCP/IP)

Copy these files from PC to H/PC.
The file "teraterm.exe" can be copied to an H/PC directory of your
choice (for example, "\Program Files\teraterm").
The file "ttras.exe" should be copied to the "\Windows" directory.
which means what? thats where im lost

the usb converter wire did come with a CD
it is a IOGEAR USB to Serial Adapter (package #GUC232A)

just so everyone knows the type of wire im using...


i need someone to help me out via AIM...i suck at things like this...
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Post by Matt »

i just typed up a heap of instructions, but my session timed out... so here goes again :(

1. Start-Settings-Control Panel-System-Hardware-Device Manager
2. New window opens, expand on + next to Universal Serial Bus Controllers
3. Check for IOGEAR USB to Serial adaptor is there
4. Double click this
5. Check it reports 'This device is working properly'
6. If not then you need to click on Driver tab, then Update Driver. Insert your CDROM which came with the driver, and install manually, browse for folder and search on CDROM where the drivers are and then it should install them

7. Back in Device Manager, click on 'Ports (COM & LPT)' and expand it
8. Look for Communications Port (COMx). Let us know what number that is
9. Double click this
10. Check it reports 'This device is working properly'
11. If not then you need to click on Driver tab, then Update Driver. Insert your CDROM which came with the driver, and install manually, browse for folder and search on CDROM where the drivers are and then it should install them

The USB device installs a driver for itself and then a COM port which you connect to

1. Download Teraterm Pro... not Pocket Teraterm.
2. Setup - Serial Port Setup
3. Enter parameters as from the UEGO manual in the serial section
4. File - Connect to the same COM port as was listed in Device Manager

Hopefully with your UEGO plugged in you get text on the screen. After that you can use Nistune with it

See the picture on the previous page to see what it looks like with Teraterm running successfully

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Post by DALAZ_68 »

i dunno why but after following just steps 1 thru 10 i tried to connect (the COM that appeared was COM4)

and it connected (Lamda) and at the bottom of the screen it read "Invalid WB connection" something along those lines (ima check tomorrow cuz its freezing outside) but it read in lambda .9xx at idle (CA18det)

ill post a vid link tomorrow/this weekend...

and ive downloaded teraterm pro but havent installed...atleast i dont think i did, it attempted but it prompted that it couldnt... i dunno ill post a vid of that aswell
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Post by Matt »

Download (ttermp23.zip; 943,376 bytes)

Save and extract ZIP file to folder, eg C:\teraterminstall

Run setup.exe

Select english

Install to c:\Program files\Ttermpro default directory

Start -Programs - Teraterm Pro

On 'New Connection' click Serial then COM port (yours was COM4)

Click OK

Then setup - Setup Serial Port

Then enter the settings on the AEM documentation for the port and reconnect

Let us know if you are then getting AFR readouts on the screen

We will try nistune after you get this bit working. See how we go now...
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