type 3, crashing when changing maf

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type 3, crashing when changing maf

Post by z6hatchboy »

Ive been trying to figure out how to use this and am not the best with this particular program so that may be some of the problem. heres what im doing. After connecting with consult, i do a pc sync (not merging with any other files, so i just hit the no button when it asks if i want to merge and open a bin file {is that wrong?}) I changed the injector size. but when i go to change the maf, it says read failed (or maybe read invalid cant remember) then it just asks for a hp estimate (so i put 500, because i have a z32 maf) then it gives a list and i chose the z32. Then i click commit, then i click ok. After that it says crashes and says the program must close, every time. Am i doing something wrong, maybe not merging a bin for it to use??
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Post by Matt »

it shouldnt be crashing so I'll look into that

Its to do with the fact it cannot find the original VQ map that its asking for a HP figure

What vehicle/ECU part number?

When you sync, you can opt to skip (this is okay for now, but in future download the ROM image pack and it should skip this message part)

So you sync from ECU to PC and all the maps show up okay?

Check the VQ map and see if there is anything there

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Post by z6hatchboy »

Its a 62 ecu, with image 50F00. The part number is A11-000 G90 (or maybe the 23710 50F00, cant remember which of the 2).

I have downloaded the rom pack, but i guess i wasnt doing something right.

This time heres what i done. Opened nistune>opened address file (the one for my 50F00). Then done a pc sync, when it asked to open a bin i did from the rom pack but it comes up with the message "the file you are opening was saved from a ecu sync" (im guessing i over wrote a stock VQ bin with one that had changes done that i had made at one time?. It asks to merge again, so i hit no. This time i made maf and fuel changes with no crashing, but i dont think im doing it right still. Ive read the tutorials, could you give me somewhat of a walk through on getting these maps layed out, in what order i do what and such, with main and compare maps and everything? This is a lot more in depth than crome for hondas lol
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Post by Matt »

when you pull the maps from the ECU, that is all you get, maps and tables

there is no complete 'ROM image' downloaded from the ECU because its going over the consult interface and that is slow

the idea of syncing into a ROM image from the ROM image pack is that you have a base to work with. If we add more map definitions in future, these will be covered by that ROM image

Basically when it asks to merge - look for
C:\Program Files\Nistune\ROM_Pack\Type345\

Load that file as the one to merge, and your maps will be loaded into it

Use that file to save your tune to disk in future and for uploading to the ECU if required

If you hit 'no' then thats fine, just means that maps are missing and if you save that file, next time you load it you will be asked to merge again

So you were able to remap the VQ and injectors this time then? So were you able to start the car after donig this?

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Post by s13_silvia_redtop »

hey matt i was also having this problem. when i pull up the change AFM options it says read fail or something like that and then lets me pick my MAF like normal but after i hit ocmmint change and ok it with crash. i dont beleive its that big of a problem because its all ready set as the Z32 maf. it didnt do this until i installed the 9.12b version. i just thought that might be of some use to you. let me know if you figure out whats wrong thanks!
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Post by Matt »

try checking the VQ maps location
C:\Program Files\NIStune\VQ Maps

if that doesnt work the uninstalling / reinstalling

it is looking for the VQ Map definition file and if it doesnt find that then you will have issues doing any form of resize

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Post by s13_silvia_redtop »

unistalling and reinstalling what? all of nistune or just the vq maps? and how do i uninstall it. i noticed there are six different unistall folders under program files/nistune
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Post by Matt »

VQ maps location is in File-Configuration

Control Panel - Add and Remove Programs - Nistune then uninstall

Then install the ROM pack and then latest beta version
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