Replaying log issues.

Discussions concerning the M7790 cpu

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Replaying log issues.

Post by grindage »

R34 gtt
Having a bit of trouble getting consistent logging of data. Quite often when replaying a log the cursor on the fuel and timing maps moves up and down only in the very left hand column even though it was functioning correctly while recording, other times it moves to the right like it should. Any ideas??

Also the tps idle light while it shows going on and off in the consult gauges when the throttle is depressed, it doesn't show as being on at all when replaying the log and the car is at idle. Same with the neutral and power steering lights??? I'm fairly certain i have the necessary flags checked. :?

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Joined: Mon Jun 01, 2009 11:46 pm
Location: Campbelltown, NSW

Post by bachig24u »

I have the same issues with logging TPS & neutral etc with type 1 board.

from memory only DLC codes aren't logged.
Calibration Engineer
JPS Motorsports & Electronics
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