- EUGO AFR tested and working with simluator
- Fixed up Change Injector window to make TTP min/max and scaler updates optional
- Scalers for TP adjustment now do Fuel/Timing/Boost and VE. Some other software available only does a few of the scalers and incompatible with later ECU ROM images. All TP scalers must be updated if changing TP scaler entries to make it consistent
- Log player/recording functionality further improved.
- You can now do a AFR + Consult log and then play all of it back, even with AFR maptrace (Requires fuel window open still). I tried this out the other day and playing back the logs all looks good now. Press F11 to get the wideband display window without connecting to wideband
- Consult guages added in big window but still needs work
NIStune 0.90110 now available
Moderator: Matt