Okay this is definitely a BETA version. Only use if you really need to....
I had to release early and have tested changes as I've made them but not done a run through
VEMS and JAW wideband implementation coded but no testing at all. You will see them in the drop list. I did the coding whilst I was in Melbourne previous week and no time after catching up on orders to check it yet. Its happening soon though! I've got the simulators ready just need to grab a few hours to check it out!
The main reason for releasing early, is that VE map TP scales were incorrect. I was going to use the hardware maptracing (16 bit) to check this but had the idea of just modifying the fuel map and watching the injection pulse width changes instead. The VE map TP scales should not have been halved, only the RPM scales
This applies to ER34, N15A, U13/S14 KA24DE etc. The VE maps seem to affect the fuel pulse width just like the fuel maps do now with the map tracing working correctly. I am now considering putting the auto tune in on the VE map as an alternative to fuel map for these ECUs now I have got it sussed (and also add in the TP/RPM/TPS trigger points for auto tune enablement). That will be next release
Few of the other tables were about one cell off with the scaling also and those have been checked against hardware maptrace for 8 bit ECUs
Whole bunch of B13 addresses added from calums XDF file. Once these are all verified then I will put the address files in the next ROM pack, and update them.
All details of updates for this release are on the downloads page
As usual the spreadsheet contains all the fixes and outstanding work
New release now available
Moderator: Matt