Here a newbie from Spain trying to get started. I got my license few weeks ago and already made some tuned maps but I'm still waiting to test them until I sort out few issues I have with the hardware just installed today:
My car: 200SX S13 (Euro Spec) with CA18DET, 44F07 ecu, last address & rom & nistune just downloaded today
The first issue is that I can't monitor vehicle speed in nistune, although speed in the dashboard works fine. Unless there are two speed sensors, one for the dashboard and another one for the ECU, I think it may be sofwtare issue due to the following:
The second thing I found is when looking at the power steering SW box in the consult gauges panel, it never goes red when static even if I turn the steering wheel but as soon as I start driving the car, the box goes red and white very quickly, no matter if I turn or not, so I think it can be related somehow with the speed consult gauge problem.
Have you got any ideas on what's going on??? I am really impatient to test it propperly!!!! but I always prefer to ask before I mess it up

Thank you guys