Feature Pack updates + Information thread

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Feature Pack updates + Information thread

Post by Matt »

Feature pack updates in this thread - Updated 11 Apr 22

What is feature pack:
Features Available in Feature Pack V1 (Version F):
Launch control
Fuel cut, and ignition timing retard functions triggered using either speed or clutch switch input

Total injection multiplier
Removes the need for rescaling load in the ECU to make tuning quicker and easier. Tune within factory load scales which resolves issues such as ECU holding onto closed loop when previously rescaling load ranges

Flex fuel support
Adding full functionality flex fuel and timing maps, flex fuel and timing content trims, and temperature enrichment trim tables). Limited models only

Fan control adjustment
Nissan ECUs which have adjustable fan output can now control the speed and temperature ranges that the fans are operated in. Limited models only

Minimum MAF voltage
Some Nissan ECUs contain a minimum MAF voltage which is hard coded. Nistune now provides a parameter for these models to lower the MAF voltage when using aftermarket MAFs

Added VCT functionality
Adding VCT solenoid functionality to existing ECU hardware, replacing the often unused EGR (Exhaust Gas Regulator) solenoid output. Limited models only

Enhanced tuning simplicity
Remove warm and cold start enrichment tables (only a single enrichment table is now used. Remove knock maps
(for fuel, timing etc)

Added 7 Feb 2018:
Note: Available at end of this thread, not in the feature pack download just yet
Increase RPM limiter from 8012rpm to 12500rpm for SR20DE models
Remove safety limiter. Modify RPM limiter to work above 8012rpm. Modify RPM display to work above 8012rpm

Features Available in Feature Pack V2 (G Version)

Boost Control with Ethanol adjustment
TPS and RPM indexed boost control tables which drive a boost control solenoid
Provides boost control by ethanol content for flex fuel vehicles running E85 or a mixture
Boost by gear (using standard and high gear boost duty tables)
Blended boost control (low ethanol uses low gear boost table, high ethanol uses high gear boost table)

Injection Latency table
Replaces the linear injection duty calculation used in the Nissan ECU with a flexible voltage indexed table

Idle fuel control
Replaces the use of only the fuel table when the vehicle is at idle, it will access the idle fuel table for better control

Added Jul 2020:
Features Available in Feature Pack V1.1 (H Version) and V2.1 (I Version)

Note: These features will be gradually added to supported models on a case by case basis. Not available for all ECUs

Crank Voltage Adjustment
Add extra enrichment for when the battery is low during cranking. Provides extra pulsewidth for Injector Dynamics and similar injectors during crank

Max Load (TP) Limiting on Deceleration

Limit ECU load when the vehicle is decelerating, or when the turbo charger is still spinning and the driver is no longer accelerating
- Push in launch control

Only operate switched launch control with clutch switch engaged. Toggle operation is removed

Flat shift control
Activate a flat shift rev limit using a clutch switch when throttle position is over a trigger point

Make sure to keep upto date with the latest ROM pack and test versions of Nistune when using these updates. Install both normal ROM pack and the Feature Pack ROM pack from our Support > Downloads page

Just to make this clear to people who email me without reading all of the below
Your Nistune board requires reflashing with updated firmware to use these new features. A Nistune Base Image Programmer is required to reprogram the board using the NTProg Software. Other types of programmers (EPROM, JTAG) are not compatible with the Simtek chips on these boards. The updates are provided here free of charge, but there may be a charge for upgrading your board through a dealer (to cover time and return postage)

The features will not be available unless your Nistune board has been updated!

To update the board it requires programming an updated 'Feature Pack' ENT file with the new code. This is covered at the end of this post. To determine if your ECU has the feature pack firmware loaded, your ECU part number will display as ECU ID: 23710-xxxxF where the last digit is 'F' for feature pack

Official feature pack release files at this release:

Type 1:
A31 RB20DET (11U0F for 72Lxx/73Lxx ECUs)
S13 CA18DET (36F0F, 39F0F, 44F0F, H)
VL RB30ET (B490F MT, B491F AT)
Z31 VG30ET (26P0F 1988 but should run on 1986-1987 ECUs too)

Type 2:
HCR32 RB20DET (11U0F plus RB25 VCT)
BNR32 RB26DETT (05U6F, G, H, I)
HCR32 RB20DET (11U0F, H)
Z32 VG30DETT (41P0F, 41P1F, H)
ECR32 RB25DE (08U0F)
M30 VG30E (F661F - No flex fuel)
Y60 TB42E (35J0F, 35J1F - TIM only)

Type 3:
B13 SR20DE (64Y0F, 67Y0F, 71Y0F - plus VVL output, increased RPM limiter)
+ Second VVL AC output available as separate program (ENT file)
J30 VE30DE (17Y1F)
P10 SR20DE (70J0F,H 70J1F,H) - plus VVL output (F only), increase RPM limiter
+ Second VVL AC output available as separate program (ENT file)
N14 SR20DE (68C0F,68C1F - plus VVL output, increase RPM limiter)
+ Second VVL AC output available as separate program (ENT file)
RNN14 SR20DET (54C0F,H JDM, 69C0F,H EDM)
S13 SR20DET (50F0F, H, 50F1F, H)
+ Extra VCT output available as separate program (ENT file)
S13 SR20DE (52F0F,H) - plus VCT output (F only), increased RPM limiter)
+ Second VVL AC output available as separate program (ENT file)
S13 KA24DE (53F0F, H, 53F1F, H)
S14 SR20DET (74F0F,G,H,I/74J1F,H JDM, 75F0F,G,H,I/75F1F,H EDM)

Type 4:
S13 SR20DET Type X (60F0F,H 60F1F,H)
S14A SR20DET (80F0F,H, JDM, 82F0F,H/82F1F,H EDM, 83F0F,H,83F1F,H ADM)
+ Added boost control, latency table (FP2) (80F0G,I/82F1G, 83F0G,I)
S15 SR20DET (91F0F,H/91F1F,H JDM, 93F0F,H/93F1F,H ADM)
+ Added boost control, latency table (FP2) (91F0G,I, 93F0G,I)
ER34 RB25DET (AA50F, AA51F, AA56F, AA57F, H)
+ Added boost control, latency table (FP2) (AA50G,I, AA51G, I, AA56G, I)
WC34 RB25DET (0V81F, 0V80F, H, 2WD/4WD)
+ Added boost control, latency table (FP2) (0V81G, I, 0V80G, H 2WD/4WD)
P11 SR20DE (J20F, 3J40F, 3J80F, 3J90F with VCT output, increased RPM limiter)
Y33 VQ30DET (42P0F, 65P0F)
A32 VQ30DE (40U0F, 40U1F, 50U1F - No flex fuel)
1995 S14 KA24DE (72F0F - No flex fuel)
1996/97 B14 SR20DE (1M86x, 1M87x - No flex fuel). VCT output now available, increased RPM limiter
1995 P10 G20 SR20DE (0J20F, 0J60F, 0J61F - No flex fuel, increased RPM limiter)

Type 5:
B13 GA16DE (81R0F [81R00, 81R05] - No flex fuel)
S14 SR20DE (65F0F - No flex fuel)
https://www.nistune.com/index.php/suppo ... umentation

https://www.nistune.com/index.php/suppo ... -downloads

Support for other vehicles Z32 300ZX is being worked on at the moment, but the boost control timer code is causing issues

Type 3:
S14 SR20DET (74F0F JDM, will add 75F0F if requested enough)

Type 4:
S14A SR20DET (80F0F JDM, 82F0F EDM, 83F0F ADM)
S15 SR20DET (91F0F JDM, 93F0F ADM)
ER34 RB25DET (AA50F)
WC34 RB25DET (0V81F, 0V80F 2WD/4WD)

Version identifiers F = FP1, G = FP2, H = FP1.1, I = FP2.1

All files are now located in a separate ROM pack (these used to be included with the 2.9 ROM pack and updates in releases but I've found it not to be that manageable, so its been split up)

Main ROM pack

Supplementary FP1 ROM pack - Version 1.1 update
http://nistune.com/releases/Nistune_FP1 ... ck_1.1.exe
Contains all the vehicles listed above

Documentation for installing:
http://nistune.com/docs/Nistune%20Featu ... nstall.pdf

Documentation for using the software:
http://nistune.com/docs/Nistune%20Featu ... k%20V1.pdf

Brief training notes:

VCT information
Those intending to use RB25 can either use an A31 Ceffy ECU + LED output for VCT, or HCR32 23710-04Uxx ECU + LED output for VCT. We also have available HCR32 23710-11Uxx but AC output only on this one. VCT code has been added to this ECU for RB25

Boost control information for S14-S15 ECUs
http://nistune.com/docs/Chris%20Boost%2 ... istune.pdf

Flex fuel information
Flex fuel boards are now available for workshops wishing to assist with testing. They will be supplied with connector harness as shown. This initial batch of boards is $75AUD (+post and GST if in Australia)

Continental flex sensors are compatible with our firmware and can be purchased from the states (via ebay or other online shops). I have a limited quantity which have been imported to Australia for local customers only. I will be making those available for $120 (+post and GST)

Continental Flex sensor: #13577394

Cost seems to range from about $80-$120 for sensors in the USA

Other software information
Software has been completely updated to import standard BIN files, detect the updated boards and firmware has been updated to add 'F' to the last digit of the ECU part number to identify the new firmware

Updating boards
Boards need reflashing. This can only be done with a Base Image Programmer. ENT files are located in the ROM pack and end with FP.ENT

The boards themselves only contain NVRAM which are programmed externally so no other programmer can be used (EPROM, Willem etc) because of the control lines and the data sequence required to burn to EEPROM

Where to update firmware?
Major workshops/dealers that program boards onsite have a Base Image Programmer. They may charge a nominal fee to reprogram and return.

From 1 July 2015 I will be charging to reprogram boards and install flex kits to ECUs. The fee is half that of the normal ECU installation fee so the cost will be $30AUD plus return postage. This includes:
- Reading out current base tune
- Reprogramming board to required feature pack
- Installing board in matching ECU and importing previous tune and upload, burn and test
- Repacking board and sending back out through post office

Installing flex kit includes
- Wiring in flex sensor board to ECU
- Testing flex board using simulated flex output device
- Updating feature pack (as per above)
- Checking ethanol content display in software during bench testing

Board postage: Australia $16AUD express, $25AUD USA/Canada/Asia and $30AUD other countries (Europe etc) for registered airmail. $5AUD extra for EMS (tracked and fast postage)

Other information
Feature Pack 1 is only available as firmware updates for the boards. You cannot use the tunes/maps from a board and copy to EPROM because the BIN file saved does not contain the firmware.

Important update: S13 KA24DE ECU bug fix
Attachment: 53F0F MT / 53F1F AT models. Resolves issue with normal timing not working
Important update: S13 KA24DE ECU bug fix
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(88.92 KiB) Downloaded 23752 times
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Re: Feature Pack updates + Information thread

Post by Matt »

Update to this thread.

Feature Pack firmware has been updated for the above vehicles in Nistune 1.2.19 version

- Have updated the ENT progamming files and these are installed as part of this version. Use the new programming files included with this update

Updates include:
* Remove knock fuel and timing maps
* Remove single RPM fuel trim map
* Add 16x16 fuel and RPM trim maps
* Add fuel fuel offset gauge

These updates have been fully dyno tested using my vehicles with patch harnesses over the last few weeks. I plan to roll these changes into the next stable release after adding a few more vehicles to the list

When using this version, update your firmware on the boards (use the latest ENT files) and the software will auto detect if the board has feature pack loaded
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Re: Feature Pack updates + Information thread

Post by Matt »

Just an update to this. One of our testers has reported an issue with an RPM cut after about 20 minutes for the Z32 300ZX build so I will need to investigate that one this week. I've now got S13 SR20DET running in my S14A but need to fix a minor issue and that should be ready for release afterwards
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Re: Feature Pack updates + Information thread

Post by Matt »

B13 SR20DE has been added to the 1.2.21 release. This version includes VCT and FAN control
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Re: Feature Pack updates + Information thread

Post by Matt »

80F00 Nissan ROMs cannot be used in 83F00 ECUs. There appears to be an incompatibility which causes injection cut off after 5 minutes once light throttle is used. Feature pack code for this ECU is fine
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Re: Feature Pack updates + Information thread

Post by Matt »

S13 SR20DET (50F0F) has been fully tested and is ready
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Re: Feature Pack updates + Information thread

Post by Matt »

S13 KA24DE has been added and bench tested MT (53F0F) /AT (53F1F) models. Noted that minimum timing on this model can be set to 4 deg BDTC so I need to chase that down further for two step retard
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Re: Feature Pack updates + Information thread

Post by Matt »

RNN14 (54C0F JDM and 69C0F EDM) has been bench tested and ready. Added fan control to the previous version I had made
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Re: Feature Pack updates + Information thread

Post by Matt »

Added part numbers for P11 SR20 3J80F and now 3J90F. Bench tested
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Re: Feature Pack updates + Information thread

Post by Matt »

Good news! I've finished up the massive investigation and firmware coding for R34 GTT Skyline/Series 2 WC34 Stagea today.

Nissan has an injection divisor in the ECU code which will be replaced with the Total Injection Multiplier

This has been vehicle tested along with Launch control on a customer vehicle. Flex fuel has been bench tested and behaves the same as other ECUs. Full vehicle testing will resume tomorrow, along with fitting a HPX and filling up with various mixtures of E85
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Re: Feature Pack updates + Information thread

Post by Matt »

Updated other BIN files for R34 ECUs
ER34/WC34 RB25DET (AA50F, AA51F, AA56F, 0V81F, 0V80F 2WD/4WD)
Ordering ID1000 injectors for fitting to my R34 for flex fuel testing (E85 is going to max out easily on my 480CCs)

Added an extra after looking into this code
1995 S14 KA24DE (72F0F) - Fan control, launch control, injection adjust, no flex option
These will be available in the next ROM pack update. Next will be B13 GA16DE with limited features and finishing S13 CA18DET
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Re: Feature Pack updates + Information thread

Post by Matt »

Update - BNR32 hard cut does not work as well as expected for launch control so investigating what is required to improve this to make it like the HCR32 soft cut. Similarly looking at the B13 SR20/GA16 ECU launch control cuts to improve its function

Update - Split off hardware installation updates into a separate manual (located on Installation page)
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Re: Feature Pack updates + Information thread

Post by Matt »

Update - Rewrote some of the feature pack software documentation

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Re: Feature Pack updates + Information thread

Post by UNISA JECS »

Matt I have a question can I buy a base image programmer (USB version) for myself to reflash my boards? Let me know because I need to buy a new consult cable as well so I can buy them both at the same time if possible.

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Re: Feature Pack updates + Information thread

Post by Matt »

Yes you can purchase a programmer. Email me directly for a quote

Update on B14 SR20DE / S14 KA24DE based on email to customer today:
I’m working on the ground work for the later models at the moment (B14 SR20DE, S14 KA24DE). The problem with the OBD-II equipped ECUs is lack of free memory on the Type 4 board due to all the current ROM being used by the Nissan ECU program (4000-FFFF address space is full)

I’ve identified a fix in the previous week to expand the memory usage on the Type 4 board which involves reprogramming the Xilinx logic chips on the board to free up more space in the board

At the moment anyone with a base image programmer (such as our distributors) can reflash the Simtek program chips on board, but not the Xilinx logic chips. We are looking at providing some distributors with a Xilinx cable to upgrade the board to provide access to more memory. Once this is done then the updated firmware can be loaded into that free memory space

Pete @ PLMS is testing several new versions of Xilinx programmer at the moment. We are needing to update the Xilinx chips to 3.3V versions (current 5V parts are no longer being produced, and Simteks are getting phased out so we are using a suitable replacement from Cypress in the next year)

So new 3.3V Xilinx programmers are required for the next revision of Nistune boards

I will continue to work on these models in late December due to existing commitments with software updates and workshop training. I should expect something available in January for those vehicles (no flex fuel at this stage, but the launch control, fan control and total injection updates)
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